CHIARA FUMAI (IT, 1978 - 2017)
Chiara Fumai reads Valerie Solanas, 2013 EV, (videoinstallation, vinyl fonts or walldrawing, videoprojector or flat screen) 10:34 min, variable dimensions. Courtesy: IX Furla Art Award, Fondazione Furla collection.

One Strangling Golden Hair, 2013, Valentino dress tg. IT 40 used by the artist in 'Chiara Fumai reads Valerie Solanas', full cast of the artist body. 66 x 167 x 2,5 cm. Tribute to Vera Morra.

Give me a break from these preppy talks, 2017, engraved glass, 6 × 6 × 4 cm

The Book of Evil Spirits, 2015, 26:24 min. Installation view of Other Oracles at Horse and pony Fine Arts, Berlin (DE)

Add Fire, Premio Furla, 2013, Milan (IT)

Looking for Saint Tropez, 2017, tapestry, 129 × 126 × 3 cm
The girl with the blanket, 2008, 3:15 min

Less Light, My Dear, 2016, 15 c-type prints composing the sentence Less Light, My Dear according to the LIS (International Sign Language) alphabet (40 x 30 cm each) with automatic writing, wallpainting, performance props. Installation view at MACRO Testaccio, Rome (IT).

Witch Head Nebula (Astral), 2016, 80 × 100 cm

Chiara Fumai - Der Hexenhammer, 2015, Museion, Bolzano (IT)
The Return of the Invisible Woman, 2014, embroidery and collage on Sacher Masoch's 'Venus in Furs', walldrawing, variable dimensions, 10 collages x 39 x 47,5 cm