Untitled (terrestrial figure walking on Mars’ mountains),2020. acrylic cold wax and oil on canvas board (framed) 43.2 x 35.5 cm. Photography: Artuur Vandekerckhove
Dancing in a Black Hole, 2022. Simchowitz, LA (US). Courtesy Simchowitz.
Dancing in a Black Hole, 2022. Simchowitz, LA (US). Courtesy Simchowitz.
Yellow Bust, 2019. oil pastel on handmade paper (framed), 56,8 x 44,5 x 3,8 cm. Photography: Artuur Vandekerckhove
Perfect Timing, 2019. The Newsstand Project, LA (US)
Deer (Sunday Finding), 2019. tree bark, 38 x 22,5 x 12,5 cm
Proceed, 2021. The Pit, LA (US)
Proceed, 2021. The Pit, LA (US)
Untitled (red bust in the cosmos), 2020. Acrylic cold wax and oil on canvas, framed: 43.2 x 35.5 cm. Photography: Artuur Vandekerckhove
Solo show, 2020. Rental Gallery, NY (US)
Monkeyboots & Me, 2020. Acrylic cold wax and oil on canvas board, framed: 25.4 x 20.3 cm.
Solo show, 2020. Rental Gallery, NY (US)
Untitled, 2020. Acrylic cold wax and oil on canvas board. framed: 25.4 x 20.3 cm. Photography: Artuur Vandekerckhove
Art on paper, artfair with Tatjana Pieters, 2021. Bozar (Brussels, BE)
Volcano Bust, 2019. Oil pastel and wax on handmade paper, framed: 41 x 35,9 x 3,8 cm. Photography: Artuur Vandekerckhove
Solo show, 2020. Tatjana Pieters. Photography: Artuur Vandekerckhove
Solo show, 2020. Tatjana Pieters. Photography: Artuur Vandekerckhove