Tatjana Pieters

REVERSE(D) RADICALISM / Charles Degeyter, Olga Fedorova, Indrikis Gelzis, Brendan Lynch & Caroline Schattling Villeval

Group Exhibition / 21.04 - 02.06
Artist Talk / Sunday, May 19, 2 pm

Online catalogue available here

Installation view

Installation view

Caroline Schattling Villeval, Still (castable), 2024 wax, brass, silver 30 x 12 x 7 cm © Sandra Pointet

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Ladder to the Moon 2, 2023, oil & linnen on canvas, 76,2 x 152,4 cm, unique © Brendan Lynch

Installation view

Installation view

Indrikis Gelzis

The Night is the Beginning of the Void, 2024, Steel, powdercoat, MDF, veneer, textile, 140 × 116 x 6 cm, unique © Indrikis Gelzis

Installation view

Installation view

Olga Fedorova, Whispers of the blue night, 2024, Diasec, 30 x 40 cm, unique © Olga fedorova

Installation view

Charles Degeyter

Charles Degeyter, Kiki, 2023, Cacatua ducorpsii, 3D printed PLA and airbrushed acrylics, 35 x 16 x 10 cm (closed sarcophagus), unique © Charles Degeyter

Installation view

Installation views Reverse(d) Radicalism at Tatjana Pieters © Dirk Pauwels